The Ro o t s...
Studio Roots and Basics is a Environment Sensitive Practice from Pune. It is the brain-child and initiative of Ar. Rohan Nahar which was establised in May 2013.
Later on after graduation in May 2010, he worked with Ar. Eugene Pandala, Kerala to design and build the first Mud house after graduation. The touch, smell, feel of mud, its properties and behaviour and moulding it into elements that create spaces seemed very exciting and they only went to consolidate his beliefs into a practice that now is referred to as STUDIO ROOTS AND BASICS.
The intent of the practice is to work with COMMUNITIES to develop Need Based Infrastructure by engaging the local people by making them develop the sense of belonging to their own community.
This can be further strengthened by building with LOCAL MATERIALS & TRADITIONAL WISDOM of the place.
Ar. Rohan A. Nahar
Ar. Rohan A. Nahar
Architect Rohan Nahar has been practising Eco-friendly Architecture and Design since 2010. He is passionate about working with local and environment friendly materials and also trains local contractors, conducts workshops. He has written and published quite a few articles in well known journals and has been invited as a Guest speaker on various national forums to spread the eco-friendly construction technologies.
Our Gurus...
Late Ar. Nimish Patel
(Father of Sustainability)

"Every problem, however difficult has at least ONE SIMPLE SOLUTION"
Professor Yogananda
Father of Mud Construction, India

Our guiding light for Environmental Sustainability, a guru of all mud builders in India
A very Down-to-earth teacher!
Eugene Pandala
Eco-Sensitiv Architect

A Sensitive Architect from Kerala - known for Fearless approach towards Environmental Sustainability.
Give him anything, and he will build with it!
Chandran Chetta
Craftsman with Mud

A skilled craftsman, working with whom, as a labourer we learnt how to 'FEEL' & 'MOULD' mud!
A supreme Creator)